It is early. I am printing number grids.
I leave for my interview in 40 minutes. I have to take the train into the city and then walk two blocks to the building where the interview will actually be.
This is making me nervous.
Then I will have a group interview where I will attempt to make a group of adults act like 7 year olds. After which I will have yet another section of said group interview where I try to stand out among this group of adults.
I am nervous about this.
Then I will hear information about the program.
This I am not so nervous about.
Then I will have to sign up for a block of time for a personal interview and potentially sit in the city for 5 hours. I don't know what order we get to pick our times, but I do know that I would like to go first so I can go home. I have much to do.
This I am also nervous about.
Maybe I should take an extra Lexipro today.
Good Luck! I hope the day goes well for you!