Sunday, March 4, 2012

Chapped Lips and Vomit.

I threw up three times yesterday.

I don't know why I threw up.

I do know that the first time I coughed, had a sharp pain in my head, and then I heaved. The other times were post cough as well. I felt terrible all day.

I went to help the homeless though. Mostly because I didn't know how to get a hold of anyone to cancel. It was a good thing too because there was a skeleton crew. I did not go near the food.

I feel better today. I have been able to eat. I have been trying to stay extra hydrated. My lips are chapped.

My head still hurts when I cough. No vomit has been seen. It is staying in my stomach where it belongs.

That's something I have never thought of. You always have vomit in your body. You just don't call it vomit until it exits your body. So there is potential vomit INSIDE of me right now. This is a mind blowing realization. And even if you haven't eaten in a while there are still stomach acids that you can throw up. So there is ALWAYS potential vomit in your body. Lurking. Waiting.

I think I need a nap.