Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Under Pressure

Please watch the embedded video. Sing if you'd like.

I saw the neurologist today.

He said that it sounds like my pressure is still high and that he wants me to get a spinal tap. He seemed to be scared that I would be upset about that. I was ready to hop up on the table and get it right then and there. He said he would be more comfortable if I would go to a hospital. I said he was a pussy.

Ok, so some of that recounting may have been exaggerated.

I go back in six weeks (after the tap) to talk about the results of the tap and to see what we can do about getting my pressure down and hopefully taking care of some of the symptoms I have been having. I am really curious to see what my pressure is right now. There are days when I feel like it is 6 million.

Doesn't it seem like there would be a better way to monitor my pressure? Doesn't it seem like having to schedule an appointment at a hospital to get a needle shoved in my back is inconvenient? I AGREE! That is one of the IHRF's goals. They want to find a less invasive way to monitor ICP.

There is another way. I could have a catheter put in my head and then they could monitor it from the tube that hangs out of my head. I don't know about you but I think that is an even worse option. Typically this method is used in people with traumatic brain injuries who need to have their pressure closely monitored.


  1. Thanks for sharing all of this info. I know it sucks for you but maybe you'll reach someone who needs to hear it. Still praying for you...I know how crummy and depressing chronic pain can be. :-(

    1. <3 Thanks so much for all of your positive thoughts and support!
