Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Rare Disease Day

Welp... this is it.

This is the day we have all been waiting for.

Slightly anti-climatic? Maybe.

I thought it might be nice to link to some blogs about other rare diseases. Contrary to what the Hubs might tell you I am not self centered. I want to bring attention to all Rare Diseases. I also want to help those who are searching for a voice find it. There is nothing more frustrating than feeling like you are shouting to an empty room.

1. Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome - this one was in the Patch article, but this is a different family. Their little girl suffers from CVS and she has just been officially diagnosed by a Doctor who had it when he was a child.

2. Marfan Syndrome - This is the blog of a mom who's little boy has Marfan Syndrome. This has always been interesting to me, maybe because I am so short. They think President Lincoln had it.

3. Fragile X Syndrome - Another Mom blog but this one is interesting because her sons are grown. You can find out more about Fragile X <---there.

Some interesting things I found out... AIDS is a rare disease as well as Cat Scratch Fever.

I have been sick for the past few days and it has kind of made me cynical and crabbier than usual. I started to think, who the hell cares about Rare Disease Day? The answer is me. I care. I care a lot. Having a rare disease is isolating. There isn't a support group for me. There aren't people out there who know what I am going through. These people understand that aspect though. They understand what it is like to be frustrated because there isn't a cure. There isn't something to fight. There is something to learn to live with. There is something to learn to cope with. There are questions that don't have answers and futures that are uncertain. So even if someone can't understand IIH they can understand having a rare disease. More than that, while someone might not pay attention to a couple thousand they will pay attention to 1 in 10 Americans.

Happy Rare Disease Day! Think of me today as I am getting a large needle shoved into my back to check my pressure. Happy Spinal Tap day!

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