Friday, February 17, 2012

Post-Spinal Tap Post

And my pressure waaaas............


Why don't I know?


Hubs took care of my scheduling for me and he was told not once but TWICE that radiology did taps on a walk in basis. Now that might sound weird to some people, but it didn't to me because Dr. Cowboy did my tap while smoking a cigarette and knocking back a beer. Clearly they are no big deal. So I have the day off and I waltz into the hospital and tell them I am there for my tap and they're like, erm, we do these through OUTPATIENT SURGERY.

Otherwise known as not radiology and not on a walk in basis. So now I have to miss work and get the tap done on the 29th (I did smile because I would be getting my tap done on Rare Disease Day). Post tap they will make me lay on my back for hours even though Dr. Cowboy said that was completely unnecessary because they do the taps to lower my pressure which is counteracted by the whole laying on your back thing.

I am slightly annoyed.

I am also tempted to show up in the emergency room and lie, telling them I have double vision and just get the damn thing done there. This is all WAY more complicated than it needs to be. I told them to call Dr. Cowboy because I was sure HE would do the tap on the registration lady's desk before we had finished signing the papers. That is just how he is.

Mrs. Rocketship, get your staple remover sharpened because on Tuesday we are doing an at home spinal tap.

So Hubs and I drive home in rather low spirits and walk into the house to find the dogs have eaten half the bag of dog food and left only poop, pee, and vomit behind. They have been kind enough to spread it across two rooms so I had to go on a random bodily fluids hunt. It was kind of like an Easter egg hunt but far stinkier and with less candy. I am not in the best of moods at the moment. I think I need a nap.

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