Thursday, February 23, 2012


I used to believe in karma. I thought there was a balance to the world and that things happen for a reason.

I don't think I believe that anymore.

I have started reading blogs. Mostly medical blogs. Mostly blogs about people who are worse off than me so I can keep everything in perspective. First Wills pointed me to this blog. It is about a girl who is around my age and has Stage IV breast cancer. It is sad and happy all at the same time. Then there is this blog. It is called Jamsie Beats the Tumor. It is about a baby boy who gets a very aggressive and rare tumor. They start of with Day One, diagnosis and James dies on Day 24. It is heart wrenching.

I am thankful everyday that I do not have cancer. If I had a choice between cancer and IIH I would pick IIH most every time. I mean, if I had like a little mole that could be removed and they could promise it would never come back I would probably go for cancer. Still, cancer is terrible and horrible and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.

I would kill for their support groups though.

Even if you have a rare kind of cancer there are commonalities that you can use to connect to other sufferers/survivors. It is also so familiar to people. If you tell someone you have cancer they kind of know what you're going through because it is slightly similar for everyone. Everyone knows of someone with cancer. Everyone knows the side effects of chemo. Everyone knows how much it sucks.

I am going to do that for IIH.

Everyone is going to know what IIH is. That is my goal.

Wear your pj's inside out for me. I want a snow day tomorrow.

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