Monday, February 13, 2012


Yesterday we went to a nature museum. I went with Wills and some other friends... they need names... Sir Cats A Lot will be one aaaaaaaaaand City Girl another. I am sure Sir Cats A Lot will be shortened to simply Cats. She is also not a boy so where the Sir came from I can't really say.

Not only did we see lots of awesome nature things AND hang out in a butterfly garden but we went to an awesome Turkish restaurant. Now if any of you know me you know I am picky. I eat like a five year old and I am ok with that. Still, when the food looks like this and the restaurant is this comfy... You can't really help but be impressed.

The waiter was also super cute. I thought about asking him to snuggle up in those pillows with me and take a nap but I was told that was inappropriate.

At this all women's gathering we were discussing food cravings and I promised to link to what you really want when you are craving certain foods. I figure all of you guys might like it too, so here it is. Basically, I need more calcium.

In IIH news the day was pretty much a success. I started to feel rather tired at the end, but I am also a lazy ass who never leave my house so that could play a large role in the problem. No headaches to speak of. I was a little nervous as this was the first time I had ventured out into the hustle and bustle of the city without the Hubsters along since my diagnosis but it all went off without a hitch.

Today not so much. Cloudy and gross and that's kind of how I feel inside. Mostly my neck region. Also I am very tired. Same old, same old.

Also, I do feel much better about my MRI fears. Look at this person. Their nose appears to be a totally normal size!

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