Wednesday, February 22, 2012


I have abused barbiturates today. Go ahead. Judge me, but I am just so sick and tired of feeling like shit. Yeah the pain meds don't help the pain but they do many me care a lot less. Now before you stage an intervention let me clarify, I took half the recommended dose this morning and the other half when I got home from work. So I guess abuse is a slightly strong word, but I feel like taking them is abuse in and of itself because I know they won't help.

I have had a headache for nearly 48 hours straight.

Today I am in the paper. I am on page 11. Check me out. I will not tell you which specific paper because I want to make it challenging for you.

I am baking cookies. I love cookies. I had to make chocolate chip and oatmeal toffee chip. I want to eat them all.

I think the hardest part about IIH is that it is invisible. When I was talking to the NewsMan about it I joked that people think I just always have a hangover, but really that isn't far from the truth. I am tired all the time. I have a headache. I am a little grouchier than I was. Still, I look the same so what can be wrong with me? People who know about my diagnosis and see me for the first time always comment on how I look great. I want to punch them. What do they think will have changed? Do they think I will suddenly have grown a fourth nipple? Everything that is wrong with me is real, but it is all inside my head. Sadly that statement makes me sound like more of a crazy person.

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