Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Life with IIH: The Musical

Featuring songs like... Why is this vice squeezing my head? Who is shoving an ice pick into my neck? Why do I see two of everything? My life won't go on. and other great musical numbers!

I am going to put it on at the Follies. What do you think?

My husband is sick. He has a stomach bug. I am trying to be thoughtful and caring. The problem with this is that I feel like I often expend much of my positive energy at school and so when I get home my nurturing nature is kind of used up. In addition to this I am exhausted when I get home because of the IIH or the meds or the winter or something and so I just don't have the energy to baby anyone, including myself. I am a terrible wife.

The teacher I work with (who I will have to think of an awesome blog name for) was sick. As I have my bachelor's I subbed for her today. Our boys are so friggin cute. The Stinker (my student and a girl) is of course adorable but there is just something about grubby little boys that pulls at the heart strings. Especially when they do not like to be touched and they give you TWO hugs in one day even after you put them on yellow.

What do you think my dog is eating off the bottom of Awesome Husband's shoe?

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