Friday, April 20, 2012

I have no problems

I have 6 or 8 problems at the moment. Most of them are pain related.

I am considering driving off a bridge but Hubs has told me that I need to wait at least three days. He says at that point we can reevaluate. I am becoming convinced that he will never see things my way. If I became a quadriplegic then I couldn't feel pain right?

And that was an absolutely terrible thing to say.


Sometimes I think awful things. I think what many people fail to understand is the nature of this condition. They fail to realize that this is a never ending cycle. When I am in pain there is nothing I can do. I just have to push through it and continue on with my life because the other option, sitting at home moaning, isn't really feasible for me. So I plaster on a smile and take care of the kids and pretend like it doesn't feel like there is a burning steel rod shoved into my neck.

This weekend I have really nothing to do, which is nice. I can catch up on some training stuff I have put off for basically the whole school year and wallow in my misery. Completely healthy. The Doosh will be in town which will be uplifting I am sure. He will give me really motivating advice...

"Stop being a little bitch."

"Rub some dirt on it and walk it off."

"No one cares."

Thanks Doosh. I love you too.


  1. So much time and energy spent on explaining what this 'condition' is all about...and it still never sticks with people, I don't even go there anymore. I feel your pain, literally, which means my weekend will be spent in some wallowing time (plus sleeping and eating ridiculous amounts of chocolate)and then come Monday I shall start another working week.

    1. I don't mean to imply that I don't have an excellent support network, because I do. I have the best friends, family, and coworkers that a girl could ask for but people just don't understand the mental toll it takes unless they are there.

      <3 I hope your weekend is relaxing lady.
