This is where I will put my hopes.
Or bright orange snow pants. I might put those in there too. The winter clothes will smell wonderful.
Prom Date bought it for me. He is quite the guy.
Or I could store a dead body in there.
Oh God. We are teetering on a fashion emergency. TJizzle is trying to leave the house in plaid on plaid.
I cannot allow this to happen.
This is almost as bad as jean on jean.
I have saved him from this terrible fate.
He has selected a solid blue shirt. This is by far the better option and now he can pick up hot nurses.
I need to go back to work. I am about to go crazy with boredom. The house is clean. The laundry is done. The fridge is cleaned out. I might even... GASP... clean the floors. I do need to make up some sugar cookie dough but that would require me to wash the dishes I pulled out of the fridge and I don't know that I am that motivated yet. They aren't due until babysitting tomorrow morning so my natural urge to procrastinate is taking over.
I start sitting again tomorrow for the Stinks and then I have my first camp on Monday. Then I will feel better.
I was thinking last night about the fatigue when I was first diagnosed. I would take my pill at 7 am on the dot and by lunch at 12:30 I was falling asleep in my car. I would have to push through the rest of the day and then I would get home and pass out on the couch where I would pretty much sleep until the morning. Just getting up when my alarm went off to take my pill at 7 pm. I would say in general I am more tired than I was before diagnosis, but I am so glad that this particular side effect has pretty much cleared up.
When we were in Baltimore and then again when I was helping Prom Date and his family out this weekend I did notice that I wear out more quickly. That is frustrating. I noticed in Baltimore that a day of walking was way harder on me than it had been the year before. I hate that. Luckily I am stubborn enough not to let it stop me.
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