Tuesday, February 14, 2012

VD Day

My VD Day was lame.

That is all I will say about that.

Well, I will say that the Hubs got me flowers and they were beautiful and he is lovely and that was the only good part of my day.

There are lots of horrible things about IIH but at this very moment what is bothering me are my ears. There is pressure. It is funny because I really can't remember a time when I have gotten an ear infection. I am pretty sure my mother told me I have had them as a child but I never ever got them when I was older. In the past year or two I started to get this crackle in my ear occasionally and then I began to develop ear aches. I thought I was just getting ear infections. I bet they were early signs of IIH.

I always felt like a crazy woman if I brought up each and every little thing that was wrong with me at the doctor but now I wonder. If I had kept a list of all of these "little things" would we have known about the IIH sooner? Would it have mattered?

Apparently some people did a study on poor little guinea pigs and they found that there was a direct correlation between ICP and inner ear pressure. I think the only part I like about having IIH is that I am learning a ton about how my head works. Which at the moment is not well.

Another thing I wonder about. I know IIH is not fatal. I might go blind but it won't kill me. Still, there are cases where people die from elevated ICP. Like this thing... Cushing Reflex. I am thinking the reflex is not killing you, but it seems as if the high ICP is not helping.

Not to self, create a third column on the things to ask Dr. Awesome list, things that I want to know about brains in general. The first question on that list, has anyone ever died of elevated ICP and why won't I?

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