Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Life Changes

When I was diagnosed I didn't know what it would mean. Since each person is different it means that other people's problems will not necessarily be yours.

What I did decide is that it wouldn't stop me.

So, still with pretty significant blind spots, I baked and decorated 8 dozen sugar cookies with little faces two days after being released from the hospital. To this day I am not sure how some of those little guys looked, but they were made and that was all I cared about.

I refuse to let this stop me and with that in mind I applied for Teach for America.

I haven't mentioned it yet because there really hasn't been anything to mention. I was invited for a phone interview which was rather exciting, but only the first step in the process. So I tried to temper my excitement. Today I found out that I was invited to the final interview. This is a slightly bigger deal. Still, 50% of applicants are invited to a final interview and only 11% are hired. Still, I think it is time to talk about it.

When I applied I waffled between two feelings, nervousness that I wouldn't even be called for a phone interview and then panic that I would be hired. And then I realized...

I would have to find a new neurologist.

That scares me more than anything. The thought of finding new doctors. Leaving my friends, sad. Leaving my family, sad. Leaving my coworkers, sad. None of these things are petrifying. What is petrifying is finding a doctor who knows what the hell he is doing when it comes to IIH.

I am not going to let it stop be though. If I am lucky enough to be hired we are going.


  1. THIS is FANTASTIC. I'm so excited to hear about how it all goes!
