Monday, March 26, 2012

Baltimore: Day 2

Today for breakfast I ate at Miss Shirley's. It was fabulous. To the left are white chocolate raspberry pancakes and to the right are some delicious hash browns with onions. I think I gained twenty pounds.

 After that we drove over to Fort McHenry. This was where Francis Scott Key wrote the Star Spangled Banner. It also saved Baltimore during the revolutionary war. It was pretty awesome and the grounds are beautiful. The only problem? I forgot my memory card in my camera so I could only take a few pictures.

We went to Fell's Point which is a neighborhood in Baltimore and I saw where Homicide was created! isn't that super cool?

We walked to Fell's Point. It was a pretty long walk and by the time we were trecking up the hill on the way back to the Doosh's the back of my neck felt like it had a metal rod stuck into it. I assume it was some type of exertional headache. That is one thing I have really noticed on this trip. I am so much slower than I used to be. I have less energy and I get bogged down by fatigue sooner.

So bottom line it was a relief to be back at the Doosh's hanging out with Charlie and Nacho. Mom even fell asleep.

But the crowning achievement of the day was none of these things. It wasn't even the delicious Greek food I had for dinner that I failed to take a picture of. It wasn't even when my neck ache went away and I started to feel human again.

It was Duckpin Bowling.

Doosh bowling
Tiny Dancer bowling
Duckpin bowling is much like regular bowling only the balls and pins are smaller and you get three turns a frame instead of two. It was probably the most fun thing we have done thus far. I would Duckpin bowl again in a heartbeat.

Mom bowling

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