Tuesday, December 27, 2011


If you are a girl and you want to watch a good movie you should watch Keith.

I am very proud of myself. I have ridden my bike for three days in a row. My legs are not nearly as sore.

I have had a big head all afternoon. Sometimes my head doesn't hurt, but it does feel like it is larger than normal. I call it big head syndrome.

I got my mom a very pretty birthday present from IHRF. It came with a letter about how much IH sucks. It focused on a family who's daughter was diagnosed. She wasn't diagnosed and wasn't diagnosed and then woke up one day and she couldn't see. She had to have an emergency optic nerve fenestration to save her sight. She didn't respond to the acetazolamide and had to have a shunt placed. She has already had 5 operations to repair the shunt. It could always be worse.

There are times when I am angry but I realize that it is counterproductive. It's hard to stay positive when you're pissed. I am trying to channel it into something positive. I am trying to turn my anger into energy and try to spread awareness and help the next person to come along with this stupid thing, but sometimes when my brain feels like it's pushing against my skull that's hard to do.

And then I watch a movie like Keith. And it puts everything into perspective because I will not die from this. I might lose my sight, but I will be alive. I was not given months. I was not told to get my affairs in order. I was told it is manageable. I was told there will be good days and bad days. I was told that everything will be ok. And really, that's a pretty awesome prognosis.

God, I love this movie.

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